‘But you have kept the best wine till now’ – John 2 v.10
My dearest love, at seventy-nine
You’re not, and never have been, mine.
Before we met, or love had grown,
Another sought you for his own.
You listened (like that other Mary)
Through doubts and fears and hopes contrary:
In anxious quest, now bright, now dim,
You gave your heart and will to him.
So when I found my friend for life,
Companion, critic, wellspring wife,
I knew, and know, that boundless blessing
A gift for joy, not for possessing.
Beyond the range my vision spanned
You hungered for the promised land,
And, while our love might be the start,
The human family drew your heart.
Quick starter, if you first explore
(As once beyond that airport door)
Be first to meet me, trundling after,
With news and friends and joy and laughter,
And light once more my dull perceiving
With gleams beyond our wild conceiving.
This present, as you stay or leave,
Here, now, together, we receive
The music of the great design,
The best, the everlasting wine.