Come death suddenly from the sea or cloud,
With the blast of thunder and the blinding shroud,
With the wild sea spinning as the heavens fall,
I shall not fear to meet it all.
Day after day I more distrust
The seen heard substance, the atomic dust,
Day after day my soul more bent
To the inward secret of the sacrament.
I saw a bundle of rags and blood
Slumped on the deck where a man had stood,
But “This was he” I could not say,
Only that the man had gone away.
I do not fear the dark night, I do not fear to go
Into the undiscovered land beyond the brief woe,
I do not fear to leave this world that since I was a boy
Was all a waking wonder and a pain of joy,
But only to leave thee, sweet answering spirit,
For new worlds of joy and woe, and you never share it –
Only by dread of this can Death avail,
And. unless the Lord strenghten my heart, I fail.